Uses of Class

Packages that use DBUpdate.Builder

Uses of DBUpdate.Builder in net.vz.mongodb.jackson

Methods in net.vz.mongodb.jackson that return DBUpdate.Builder
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.addOperation(String modifier, String field, Object value)
          Add an operation to the update
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.addToSet(String field, List<?> values)
          Add the given values to the array value if they don't already exist in the specified field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.addToSet(String field, List<?> values)
          Add the given values to the array value if they don't already exist in the specified field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.addToSet(String field, Object... values)
          Add the given values to the array value if they don't already exist in the specified field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.addToSet(String field, Object... values)
          Add the given values to the array value if they don't already exist in the specified field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.addToSet(String field, Object value)
          Add the given value to the array value if it doesn't already exist in the specified field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.addToSet(String field, Object value)
          Add the given value to the array value if it doesn't already exist in the specified field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.bit(String field, String operation, int value)
          Perform a bit operation on the given field
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.bit(String field, String operation, int value)
          Perform a bit operation on the given field
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.bit(String field, String operation1, int value1, String operation2, int value2)
          Perform two bit operations on the given field
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.bit(String field, String operation1, int value1, String operation2, int value2)
          Perform two bit operations on the given field
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.bitwiseAnd(String field, int value)
          Perform a bitwise and on the given field
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.bitwiseAnd(String field, int value)
          Perform a bitwise and on the given field
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.bitwiseOr(String field, int value)
          Perform a bitwise or on the given field
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.bitwiseOr(String field, int value)
          Perform a bitwise or on the given field
static DBUpdate.Builder field)
          Increment the given field atomically by one
 DBUpdate.Builder field)
          Increment the given field atomically by one
static DBUpdate.Builder field, int by)
          Increment the given field atomically by the given value
 DBUpdate.Builder field, int by)
          Increment the given field atomically by the given value
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.popFirst(String field)
          Remove the first value from the array specified by field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.popFirst(String field)
          Remove the first value from the array specified by field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.popLast(String field)
          Remove the last value from the array specified by field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.popLast(String field)
          Remove the last value from the array specified by field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.pull(String field, Object value)
          Remove all occurances of value from the array at field
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.pull(String field, Object value)
          Remove all occurances of value from the array at field
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.pullAll(String field, List<?> values)
          Remove all occurances of the values from the array at field
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.pullAll(String field, List<?> values)
          Remove all occurances of the values from the array at field
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.pullAll(String field, Object... values)
          Remove all occurances of the values from the array at field
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.pullAll(String field, Object... values)
          Remove all occurances of the values from the array at field
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.push(String field, Object value)
          Add the given value to the array value at the specified field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.push(String field, Object value)
          Add the given value to the array value at the specified field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.pushAll(String field, List<?> values)
          Add all of the given values to the array value at the specified field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.pushAll(String field, List<?> values)
          Add all of the given values to the array value at the specified field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.pushAll(String field, Object... values)
          Add all of the given values to the array value at the specified field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.pushAll(String field, Object... values)
          Add all of the given values to the array value at the specified field atomically
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.rename(String oldFieldName, String newFieldName)
          Rename the given field to the new field name
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.rename(String oldFieldName, String newFieldName)
          Rename the given field to the new field name
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.set(String field, Object value)
          Set the given field (can be multiple levels deep) to the given value atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.set(String field, Object value)
          Set the given field (can be multiple levels deep) to the given value atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.setRaw(String field, Object value)
          Set a raw value, without a special modifier
static DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.unset(String field)
          Unset the given field atomically
 DBUpdate.Builder DBUpdate.Builder.unset(String field)
          Unset the given field atomically

Methods in net.vz.mongodb.jackson with parameters of type DBUpdate.Builder
 WriteResult<T,K> JacksonDBCollection.update(com.mongodb.DBObject query, DBUpdate.Builder update)
          Performs an update operation.
 WriteResult<T,K> JacksonDBCollection.update(com.mongodb.DBObject query, DBUpdate.Builder update, boolean upsert, boolean multi)
          Performs an update operation.
 WriteResult<T,K> JacksonDBCollection.update(com.mongodb.DBObject query, DBUpdate.Builder update, boolean upsert, boolean multi, com.mongodb.WriteConcern concern)
          Performs an update operation.
 WriteResult<T,K> JacksonDBCollection.updateById(K id, DBUpdate.Builder update)
          Performs an update operation.
 WriteResult<T,K> JacksonDBCollection.updateMulti(com.mongodb.DBObject query, DBUpdate.Builder update)
          calls DBCollection.update(com.mongodb.DBObject, com.mongodb.DBObject, boolean, boolean) with upsert=false and multi=true

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