Uses of Class

Packages that use DBCursor

Uses of DBCursor in net.vz.mongodb.jackson

Methods in net.vz.mongodb.jackson that return DBCursor
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.addOption(int option)
          adds a query option - see Bytes.QUERYOPTION_* for simpleList
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.addSpecial(String name, Object o)
          adds a special operator like $maxScan or $returnKey e.g.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.batchSize(int n)
          Limits the number of elements returned in one batch.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.copy()
          Creates a copy of an existing database cursor.
 DBCursor<T> JacksonDBCollection.find()
          Queries for all objects in this collection.
 DBCursor<T> JacksonDBCollection.find(com.mongodb.DBObject query)
          Queries for an object in this collection.
 DBCursor<T> JacksonDBCollection.find(com.mongodb.DBObject query, com.mongodb.DBObject keys)
          Queries for an object in this collection.
 DBCursor<T> JacksonDBCollection.find(T query)
          Queries for an object in this collection.
 DBCursor<T> JacksonDBCollection.find(T query, T keys)
          Queries for an object in this collection.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.hint(com.mongodb.DBObject indexKeys)
          Informs the database of indexed fields of the collection in order to improve performance.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.hint(String indexName)
          Informs the database of an indexed field of the collection in order to improve performance.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.limit(int n)
          Limits the number of elements returned.
protected  DBCursor<T> DBCursor.put(String field, String op, Object value)
protected  DBCursor<T> DBCursor.putGroup(String op, Object... expressions)
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.resetOptions()
          resets the query options
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.setDecoderFactory(com.mongodb.DBDecoderFactory fact)
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.setOptions(int options)
          sets the query option - see Bytes.QUERYOPTION_* for simpleList
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.setReadPreference(com.mongodb.ReadPreference preference)
          Sets the read preference for this cursor.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.skip(int n)
          Discards a given number of elements at the beginning of the cursor.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.snapshot()
          Use snapshot mode for the query.
 DBCursor<T> DBCursor.sort(com.mongodb.DBObject orderBy)
          Sorts this cursor'string elements.

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